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Anna Shinnors Dramatherapy
Why the Dandelion?

"I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being."

                   Hafez of Shiraz

The Dandelion was considered a symbolic flower in Medieval times. Most modern admirers consider it a symbol of fighting through the challenges of life and emerging victorious on the other side. The Dandelion can thrive in difficult conditions so this flower symbolises the ability to rise above life’s challenges. The Dandelion flower’s message is to not give up. Most of us experience challenging situations at times in our lives where we need some support. Dramatherapy is a means of the client accessing that support. If you are going through one of these difficult times in your life and you feel individual or group Dramatherapy could help you and give you the support you need, don’t hesitate to contact Anna Shinnors on 087 215 6974 or for affordable Dramatherapy in a safe and confidential space.

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